The location of the one40william development is at the confluence of 3 major CBD arteries; Murray Street Mall, William Street and the City Railway Station (which is located below the development). In broad terms the one40william development comprises a two basement level car park with one level of retail and three linked commercial towers above, together with a restored heritage precinct facing Wellington and William Streets, and the restored Mitchell Building Facade all integrated with a series of pedestrian lanes, courtyards and squares. The development capitalises on the rail commuter traffic to increase the commercial viability of the diverse range of activities in the one40william development above and around the new rail station. The significant pedestrian permeability of the development with major entrances from William Street, Murray Street Mall and Wellington Street together with pedestrian access from Forrest Place activate the development with pedestrian flow and movement.
Active frontages are provided to surrounding streets and safe and high quality pedestrian connections across the site linking the rail stations, Forrest Place, Murray Street Mall, Wellington Street and William Street to existing and new buildings. All areas of the one40william development are linked horizontally and vertically, both visually by throvistas and physically by laneways, courtyards, elevated walkways and vertical transport systems. The development and restoration of the Wellington Precinct buildings and the reinstatement of the Mitchell Building Façade has restored these buildings to a recognised heritage standard appropriate for today’s market and will ensure that the quality and integration of new and old is compatible. The final outcome is seamless, with uses that celebrate the original building uses and compliment the overall development.
The one40william development is designed to set a new standard in office building quality, which, with the sustainable standards incorporated, exceed the standards set in the Government Accommodation policy and set the standard for future development in the precinct. The design aim has been to create an exciting workplace. The floorplate configuration is designed to maximise the opportunities that a new building is able to provide utilising workplace principles such as:
- Natural light penetration
- Aspect and views
- Sustainable design principles
- Provision of large floor plates that are able to be connected both horizontally and vertically and that are flexible for various uses by tenants
- Teaming efficiency (ability to co-locate groups)
- Perimeter modularit
The facades have been designed to be shaded by fixed horizontal and vertical sunshades and suncreens to provide a passive solar response appropriate to the particular elevation. This together with multiple glazing colour and modulation will provide visual interest and movement across the facades. Six landscaped three level semi glazed and manually ventilated Wintergardens are provided to offer an active “external” space that can be utilised by office staff. External accessible hard and soft landscaped roof deck areas are also provided for optional staff use areas at various levels within the commercial towers.